Hudson River Whitewater Rafting!
One of The Best Single Day Rafting Trips in the US! The Hudson River begins it’s long journey to New York Harbor from the highest reaches of the Adirondacks. From Lake Tear of The Clouds, the river picks up volume from tributary streams. By the time the Indian River reaches the Hudson, it is a big river and it drops downhill substantially into the Gorge section. The Hudson River has a storied history originally serving as the highway to the mills for the lumber industry beginning in the early 1800s. The last of the logs floated to Glens Falls in the early 1950s and the river has been left to canoeist and kayakers and finally rafting trips beginning in the early 1980s. The rafting trip traverses 17 miles of the Hudson through Adirondack wilderness. A dependable dam release makes a great river trip even during dry summer weather. Beginning on The Indian River, rafts negotiate 3 1/2 miles of rapids before entering the Hudson. Rafters learn and practice the paddle commands on the Indian and
begin to work as a team. The river calms down through Cedar Ledges and rafters can hop overboard and swim a short rapid and then float along to Jump Rock (pictured). More rapids lead into the Blue Ledge Pool and a spectacular scene of rock and river. From here the whitewater action is fast-paced with the Narrows, Big Nasty, Givneys, Mile Long and others. The river makes a few sharp turns then slows down in the run-out to North River. The trip takes anywhere from 3 to 5 hours depending on river levels. Trips are run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
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